Offender: Wesley Baker killed a woman who was leaving the mall with her young grandchildren.
Meal: Wesley Baker received the standard meal of pasta marinara, breaded fish, beans, bread, milk, and orange juice. The pasta and sauce were leftovers from Ultra Foods and Caputo's respectively, and the rest were from Jewel.
State: Maryland
Total Cost: $0.99(beans) + $1.99(milk) + $1.49(orange juice) + $4.99(salmon fillets) + $3.49(bread loaf) + $1.39(linguine) + $2.29(pasta sauce) = $16.63
Adjusted Cost: $0.45(beans) + $1.99(milk) + $1.49(orange juice) + $1.66(salmon fillets) + $0.21(bread slice) + $0.28(linguine) + $0.38(pasta sauce) = $6.36